“In case of unconsciousness – DO NOT VACCINATE”

If you ever find yourself going to the emergency room – how can stop an overzealous nurse or doctor from giving you an unwanted vaccine?  The Medic Alert bracelet or necklace will ID your wishes in any hospital or ambulance situation.  You are protected legally and medically if you are unconscious or cannot speak for any reason.   Our medic alert bracelets can be worn all the time – and contain the instruction stated above:  In case of unconsciousness – DO NOT VACCINATE.  The legal and medical implications of this bracelet can’t be overstated.  You need a layer of protection from any medical professional who thinks you need to be vaccinated.  You don’t.

This page allows you to purchase specific legal documents that put YOU in control of your health issues. Number one is the Durable Power of Attorney (DPA). This document - usually reserved for end of life - is developed by our resident legal researcher Travis Middleton to give parents the ultimate say in their children’s health as they enter the school year. The DPA allows parents to use this document (changing all highlighted areas in red to your name) to give to school and medical authorities to let them know that you alone make final legal medical decisions for your children. The DPA is priced at $49.95. The sample page is seen below:

The Durable Power of Attorney is 3 pages long - and you can substitute YOUR name in areas highlighted read.  Let us know if you have any questions prior to purchase.

The Durable Power of Attorney is 3 pages long - and you can substitute YOUR name in areas highlighted read. Let us know if you have any questions prior to purchase.

In 2017 Travis wrote and filed a Federal Racketeering Act (RICO - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) against Sen. Richard Pan and others involved with Senate Bill 277. The version you purchase for your group or committee can be modified to suit your regions’ needs. It is perhaps the only way to file a suit against many officials (most of whom believe they are entirely immune from prosecution). The price of the RICO Suit is $299.95. It will save thousands on attorney fees that many lawyers are not even familiar with.

RICO Cover.png

Lastly - if you wish to speak with Travis on Skype / Zoom / phone, contact him via email initially - and set up a time. His rates are $50.00 for the initial 30 minute consult, and $100.00 per hour for the next 1-5 hours. Contact him for group discounts or other issues relating to the legal side of vaccine freedom. travis_m_93101@yahoo.com - you can pay through his Pay Pal account.